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Jim Al Khalili

Seite 5
The Life Scientific: Inventors - Anna Buckley Vorwort: Jim Al-Khalili

The Life Scientific: Inventors

Autor: Anna Buckley
Vorwort: Jim Al-Khalili

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Ce que la science sait du monde de demain: Intelligence artificielle, transhumanisme, menace climatique, surpopulation... Notre vie en 2050 (QUANTO) (French Edition) - Jim Al-Khalili

Ce que la science sait du monde de demain: Intelligence artificielle, transhumanisme, menace climatique, surpopulation... Notre vie en 2050 (QUANTO) (French Edition)

Autor: Jim Al-Khalili

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Pathfinders: The Golden Age Of Arabic Science (Chinese Edition) - Jim AL-Khalili

Pathfinders: The Golden Age Of Arabic Science (Chinese Edition)

Autor: Jim AL-Khalili

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O Mundo segundo a Física - Jim Al-Khalili

O Mundo segundo a Física

Autor: Jim Al-Khalili

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A vida no limite: Como o mundo quântico se comporta quando ninguém está olhando (Portuguese Edition) - Jim Al-Khalili, Johnjoe McFadden Übersetzer: Maria Beatriz de Medina

A vida no limite: Como o mundo quântico se comporta quando ninguém está olhando (Portuguese Edition)

Autoren: Jim Al-Khalili, Johnjoe McFadden
Übersetzer: Maria Beatriz de Medina

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Alieni: C’è qualcuno là fuori? (Italian Edition) - Jim Al-Khalili

Alieni: C’è qualcuno là fuori? (Italian Edition)

Autor: Jim Al-Khalili

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Biología al límite.: Cómo funciona la vida a muy pequeña escala (Divulgación) - Jim Al-Khalili, Johnjoe Mcfadden Übersetzer: Joandomenec Ros Aragonés

Biología al límite.: Cómo funciona la vida a muy pequeña escala (Divulgación)

Autoren: Jim Al-Khalili, Johnjoe Mcfadden
Übersetzer: Joandomenec Ros Aragonés

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Il futuro che verrà: Quello che gli scienziati possono prevedere (Italian Edition) - Jim Al-Khalili

Il futuro che verrà: Quello che gli scienziati possono prevedere (Italian Edition)

Autor: Jim Al-Khalili

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3 minutes pour comprendre les 50 notions fondamentles dans le domaine de l'énergie - Herausgeber: Brian Clegg Steve Rawlings Vorwort: Jim Al-Khalili Übersetzer: Michèle Morin

3 minutes pour comprendre les 50 notions fondamentles dans le domaine de l'énergie

Herausgeber: Brian Clegg
Illustrator: Steve Rawlings
Vorwort: Jim Al-Khalili
Übersetzer: Michèle Morin

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The Euroschool Lectures on Physics With Exotic Beams, Vol. II (Lecture Notes in Physics, Band 2) - Herausgeber: J.S. Al-Khalili, Ernst Roeckl Jim Al-Khalili

The Euroschool Lectures on Physics With Exotic Beams, Vol. II (Lecture Notes in Physics, Band 2)

Herausgeber: J.S. Al-Khalili, Ernst Roeckl
Autor: Jim Al-Khalili

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Paradox: The Nine Greatest Enigmas in Physics by Jim Al-Khalili (2012-05-22) - Jim Al-Khalili

Paradox: The Nine Greatest Enigmas in Physics by Jim Al-Khalili (2012-05-22)

Jim Al-Khalili

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This book is about my own personal favourite puzzles and conundrums in science, all of which have famously been referred to as paradoxes, but which turn out not to be paradoxes at all when considered carefully and viewed from the right angle. A true paradox is a statement that leads to a circular and self-contradictory argument, or one that describes a logically impossible situation. Our subject is 'perceived paradoxes' - questions or thought-experiments that on first encounter seem impossible to answer, but which science has been able to solve. Our tour of these mind-expanding puzzles will take us through some of the greatest hits of science - from Einstein's theories about space and time, to the latest ideas of how the quantum world works. Some of our paradoxes may be familiar, such as Schrodinger's famous cat, which is seemingly alive and dead at the same time; or the Grandfather Paradox - if you travelled back in time and killed your grandfather you would not have been born and would not therefore have killed your grandfather. Other paradoxes will be new to you, but no less bizarre and fascinating.We will ask such questions as: how does the fact that it gets dark at night prove the Universe must have started with a big bang? Where are all the aliens? And why does the length of a piece of string vary depending on how fast it is moving? In resolving our paradoxes we will have to travel to the furthest reaches of the Universe and explore the very essence of space and time. Hold on tight.

Quantum by Dr Jim Al-Khalili(2012-10-01) - Dr Jim Al-Khalili

Quantum by Dr Jim Al-Khalili(2012-10-01)

Dr Jim Al-Khalili

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